Your Future Begins Now...

Olami Launch Scholarship

This is simply a scholarship we are offering to Public School students who decide to spend their Gap Year in a partner yeshiva or seminary. This is totally independent of the Fellowship program.

  • Can receive up to $4,000 in Scholarship money towards their tuition
  • Candidates are reviewed and decided upon. Application is not a guaranteed acceptance.


Students who have not had the privilege of an Orthodox Jewish day school education or a Shabbos-observant upbringing are considered Olami-eligible and qualify for Olami Launch scholarships. Occasional exceptions are made under special circumstances through direct communication with Rabbi Avi Weber (, North American Program Director of Olami Launch.

  • The select group of Yeshivot and Seminaries to which Olami Launch offers scholarships are listed below.  Four of them are official Olami Launch Partner organizations, and their names appear in bold in the list below:
    • For Men: 
      • Aish Gesher,
      • Derech
      • Kerem b’Yavneh (KBY) 
      • Netiv Aryeh
      • Ohr Dovid
      • Sha’alvim
      • Mevaseret Zion
      • Torat Shraga
      • Yishrei Lev
    • For Women: 
      • Machon Maayan
      • Meorot Yerushalayim
      • Be’er Miryam
      • Bnot Torah (Sharfmans)
      • Darchei Binah
      • Michlala
      • Midreshet Tehila
      • MMY
      • Sha’alvim for Women
      • Tomer Devorah
  • The process depends on which Gap Year program the student chooses to attend.  
    • Olami Launch Partner organizations
      • All Olami-eligible students who are accepted by these yeshivos and seminaries are automatically awarded a $4,000 Olami Launch scholarship and no further application process is needed. The school will make all payment arrangements directly with Olami Launch.
    • All other approved programs
      • After receiving a letter of acceptance from the program, students seeking scholarships fill out the Student Information section of the scholarship application, found at
      • Once the initial application is submitted, an automatic reference form will be sent to the applicant’s reference for a recommendation. Once the reference form is submitted, the Olami Launch administration will review applications, contact references as needed, and determine whether a scholarship will be awarded. 
      • The scholarship awards will range from $1,000 to $4,000 depending on the candidate. 
      • Responses will be emailed to both the student, the reference, and the relevant yeshiva/seminary in a timely manner.  All payments will be made by Olami Launch directly to the institution.